Manage Classroom Training, Certification and Fitness Testing
Set Up a Course
You can specify fees, passing marks, instructors and pay rates, as well as online training and testing specifics.
Set Up Course Offerings
Once you have defined the course parameters, you can offer it one or more times, over multiple dates and locations. You can set registration dates and class sizes.
Assign Instructors to Course Offerings
Assign instructors and notify them through LeagueGM. Automatic email reminders follow your notification until each instructor accepts through the system.
List Course Registrants
Assign instructors and notify them through LeagueGM. Automatic email reminders follow your notification until each instructor accepts through the system.
Set Up Fitness Testing
Establish all the physical requirements for online data collection. Candidates will have to meet all requirements before they receive certification on the system.
Make Electronic Course Materials Available Online
Make it easy for students and instructors to find and use electronic course documents.
Manage Multiple Class Instructors
A full history of your instructor assignments and cancellations is maintained for each class you schedule.
Instructors Receive Their Assignments Online
Instructors will receive their assignments through LeagueGM, where they can review course materials and student information.
Instructors Report Hours
Instructors report their work hours online for payment.
Manage Certified Graduates
You can easily communicate with all certified individuals at any desired level, for any desired area or district.
Next: Walk Through an Online Quiz
Now take a look at what a student sees when taking LeagueGM online training and testing.