Training Tests

Training Tests Overview

More Than Just a Test Environment

Not only can you test yourself and learn from your mistakes, you can ASK QUESTIONS and GET ANSWERS from more experienced referees. You can PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSIONS WITH YOUR PEERS.

Study by Passing Short Tests

After you pass a test, the next one in sequence becomes available. For each passed test, you can see all the questions in the pool, the correct answers, plus comments and questions from test-takers, and more interesting information.

Getting Ready to Start a Test

All test conditions are displayed before you start. The average failure rate of other test-takers is shown, giving you a sense of the difficulty.

Question Count and Points per Question

In this example, each question is worth one point.

Choose the Correct Answer

If a test is time-limited, you see exactly how much time remains.

Test Result

At the end of each training test, all the questions are shown, with correct choice indications and explanations.

Success - Check Out the Leaderboard

You can check out a list of other test-takers on our leaderboard.

The Training Test Leaderboard

You will get a brief moment of fame if you top the list of test-takers. Motivate yourself.

Back to the Dashboard

The test you passed now shows up on your list of training tests, and you can view all the questions in the pool, together with comments and discussion about them.

Pool Questions

Each question shows your response history, and a count of how many test-takers choose each response.

Comments and Replies

Test-takers can ask about test questions, make comments, and discuss.